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Adding expenses to a report

Before you can submit your expenses, they need to be added to a report. You can create a new report by going to the report overview and clicking on the plus sign (In the iPhone or Android app) or click on 'New report' on the website.

By default, the report is named: Expenses 'current month'. It will automatically fill in the current month, for example: Expenses March. You can also decide to name the report yourself, e.g. 'Business trip to New York'.

In the apps you can add expenses directly to your new report by using the plus icon. Select the expenses you wish to add, and choose 'Add'.

Naturally, you do not have to wait until the end of month to create a report. You can choose or create a report directly while creating an expense.

After creating the report you will find it in your report overview with the status 'Open'. This status means that you can add, edit and delete expenses.

Are you finished adding expenses to your report? The next step is to submit the report. For more information about submitting reports read this article:

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