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How to Delete an Expense in Declaree

When it becomes necessary to remove an expense from an administration, the process is straightforward.

1. Identify the Expense

  • If the expense you want to delete has not yet been added to a report, locate it in the list of expenses on the Expenses page.

  • Each expense (whether it’s a mileage, regular expense, or compensation) will have a checkbox on the left side.

2. Delete an Unreported Expense

  • Select the checkbox next to the expense(s) you want to remove.

  • Look for the trash can icon located near the “Add expense” button.

  • Click the trash can icon to delete the selected expenses. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

3. Handling Expenses Already Added to a Report

  • If the expenses are already part of a submitted report, the process is slightly different.

  • Open the report that contains the expense(s) you wish to delete.

  • For expenses within a report:

    • Click the ‘x’ icon next to the expense you want to remove. This action will remove the expense from the report but won’t permanently delete it.

  • To permanently delete an expense:

    • Follow the previous step to remove it from the report.

    • Then, go back to the Expenses page and use the trash can icon to delete it completely.

4. Additional Notes:

  • Remember that deleting an expense from a report doesn’t delete the expense itself.

By following these steps, you’ll efficiently manage your expenses within Declaree .đŸ’Ș

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