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How to download the app

🧾 Capture your receipts on the go using the Declaree app. You can snap a picture of the receipt as soon as you get it and not worry about it. Add mileages, creditcard expenses and allowances to your expense report to submit them to your manager.

This is how you download the Declaree app

Find "Declaree" on the Google Play Store TM (Android) or in the Apple App Store ® (iOS).

Log in using your username and password or Single Sign On (if enabled).

Once you are logged in you can start logging your expenses.

Get it on Google Play
Get it on Apple App Store

New Declaree App
If you have received a notification that you are ready to use the new Declaree App. If you have not then it is possible your administration does have access yet and you will only be able to use the Legacy App.

Get it on Google Play
Get it on Apple App Store

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Apple and App Store are a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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