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How to edit the daily allowances table?

Daily allowances simplify expense management for business travel. Instead of tracking individual receipts for every meal and incidental expense, employees receive a predetermined fixed amount per day to cover their travel expenditures. This approach streamlines accounting procedures and paperwork for both the business and its employees. Should the need arise to manage the rates or percentages on different daily allowances for different countries, the process to achieve this is hassle free and straightforward in Declaree.

Steps to Manage Daily Allowances

  1. Contact our Support Team

    • Our Support Team will happily assist you with creating an editable copy of the daily allowances table.

  2. Access the Copied Table:

    • Once the Support Team created a copy, instead of the usual “View Daily Allowances” link, you’ll now see an option to “Manage Daily Allowances” too. Click on this link.

    • It is recommended to set Valid from and Valid until dates for the newly created daily allowances. This can be achieved by clicking the burger menu button and selecting Edit.

  3. Download the Table:

    • Once you’re in the “Manage Daily Allowances” section, you’ll find the daily allowance details.

    • Download the table in an Excel format. This will allow you to work with the data offline.

  4. Customize the Excel File:

    • Open the downloaded Excel file.

    • Delete any unnecessary allowance columns. For example, you might want to remove columns related to specific locations or categories.

    • Adjust rates and percentages as needed. Different countries may have varying rates, so ensure accuracy.

  5. Upload the Modified Table:

    • After making the necessary changes, save the Excel file.

    • Return to the “Manage Daily Allowances” section in your organization’s system.

    • Upload the modified Excel file back into the system

Assign Daily Allowances to User Groups:

It is possible in Declaree to assign different daily allowances to separate user groups. Different user groups may have distinct daily allowance requirements.

To achieve this:

  1. Click the burger button next to the table (in the “Manage Daily Allowances” section).

    • Select the “Edit” option.

    • Assign the allowances to the desired user groups.

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