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How to get the mobile logs

Why do we ask for the mobile logs:

When an issue is occurring on the mobile app, the support team will very likely ask you to send them the mobile logs. These logs can help us analyzing the current issue on the app and help us understand what the root cause of the issue is that you are facing right now.

There are two ways of sending mobile logs:

  1. Once you are logged in to Declaree App, please head to settings (on the Declaree by Mobilexpense app, the settings are located under “Account')

Once you are in the settings, please click multiple times on the field "Version" (circa 5 -6 times in a row).

When doing so a pop-up will appear allowing you to report a bug. When choosing this option, the app will redirect you to a window where you can attach screenshots and screen recordings to the bug report. Pressing send will create a ticket in our system containing the mobile logs and any additional information which was attached in the bug report.

  1. The same “report a bug” feature can be accessed by shaking the phone a couple of times in quick succession. Once “report a bug” is selected, the process continues as above.

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