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Realtime OCR in Declaree

With Declaree it's really easy to extract data from your receipts using OCR. This stands for Optical Character Recognition. Declaree has developed this state-of-the art functionality in-house, which is used to automatically fill required information for an expense.

How does it work?

Just add a new receipt, and directly when you take a photo of the receipt the data will be extracted. You will instantly see the results of the scanned data. The following data will be extracted automatically:

- Date of the receipt

- Currency of the receipt

- Total amount of the receipt

- VAT percentage

- VAT amount

The extracted data will be shown with a preview. You should always check the extracted data, to see if it's correctly extracted. If all is in order, you can directly click on the green check mark, and the accompanying fields of the expense are filled.

However, if you believe a better photo would yield better results, you can retake the picture. If some of the data is correct, but the OCR module has difficulty with a specific field, you can manually adjust by clicking on it.

The fields that have been auto-filled with the OCR will be shown in blue, so you see which data has been derived and can be changed.

Make sure you always check the data, as the OCR is there to support filling in the fields, but the quality of the results will very much depend on the quality of the receipt!

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