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(Old Module) Daily Allowances

This article explains step by step how daily allowances for travel can be calculated automatically in Declaree. This feature can be used in the web application as well as in the mobile apps.

Web Application

In order to add the daily allowances to your trip, create a “New report” → “Add trip” and enter the name of your trip.

To add your first destination of the trip, press "Add destination". In the new window that opens up, choose your choice of transportation and enter from where and where to you will be traveling. Select the travel dates and times and, if you prefer, attach a file as proof. If you select to travel by plane, it is also possible to enter the flight number and Declaree automatically inserts the flight details. In that case, the dates and times are filled out automatically but be aware that these may have to be adjusted manually due to the frequent use of the same flight numbers by airlines.

Destinations along your journey and the return trip are entered the same way.

After entering the trip details, click on "Add expenses" > "Existing expenses"

Your daily allowances will be displayed and you can select them to add to the report.

Mobile Application

To enter the daily allowances within the mobile app, browse to the reports overview and click on “+” at the right top and choose for “Trip”. Save the new trip after entering the preferred trip title and then click on the red “+” at the bottom right to select the destination.

First, select your means of transportation and then select the dates and times for the departure and arrival locations. Second, do the same for the return trip and make sure to check the dates and times. When you are traveling by plane you can enter the flight number and Declaree automatically fills out the details but, as with the web app, be sure to check the dates.

To add the automatically calculated daily allowances, browse to the respective tab and click on the red “+” at the bottom right of your screen. Select the daily allowances you would like to add and click on “Add”.

Deductions and Additions

In case deductions as breakfast, lunch or dinner apply to your trip, you can easily deduct those from the allowance by toggling the switch to on. The same applies for additions such as an overnight stay.

Adding receipts and other expenses

Next to the daily allowances it is also possible of course to add any other expenses to the trip. Just browse to the expenses tab and click on the red “+” at the bottom right of your screen and choose the correct type of expense to add to your trip.

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