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Overview and filter of expenses and reports

As an administrator or as an accountant you are able to see all of the expenses and reports that users have created. In order to sort them and get a better overview, you can use the filters.


Go to the expenses overview in the menu on the left hand side. At the right top corner you will see 'Find and filter'. When you click on it the extended find and filter function will appear.

Choose the status of your choice and click on search. Now the expenses of your choice will appear.

When you choose 'All expenses' (standard setting) all expenses made will appear.

When you choose 'Unreported', all expenses that have been added by the employees but not added to a report will show.

When you choose 'Unsubmitted', all expenses that are added to a report and have not been submitted will show.

Several other filtering criteria can be used, such as user, date filter, expense category, etc.


Go to the report overview in the menu on the left hand side. At the right top corner you will see 'Find and filter'. When you click on it the extended find and filter function will appear.

Choose the status of your choice and click on search. Now the reports of your choice will appear.

When you choose 'All reports' (standard setting) it will show all reports that have been created.

When you choose 'My reports', all reports you created will appear.

When you choose 'To approve' all reports that have been submitted, and are not final approved will show.

When you choose 'All except closed', it will show all reports that have not been closed.

Just like for expenses, there are several other filtering options which can be used.

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