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Personio Integration

How does the connection with Personio work?

Set up of connection:

The login credentials are generated directly at the administration of Personio and have to be entered manually at Declaree afterwards. This will trigger the connection to be established and ensures to enable the syncing between the two platforms by every 15 minutes. As an example: anytime a new worker profile will be created at Personio will also set up a new profile of the worker in question in Declaree as a counterpart.

Transfer of Data

All new workers added at Personio will receive an own account at Declaree due to this implementation. The base data therefore has to be unlocked at Personio in order to sync the data in question to Declaree accordingly. The attributes in question have to be mapped.

Setting up Connection

It's important to note that all workers, who should be synced to Declaree have to be marked with the status as active on Personio's end.

1.First, log into your Account at Personio and go to the settings > API-credentials > generate new credentials

2. Enter a name > choose Declare within the integration-field > click on the drop down menu and toggle on all attributes that should be transferred to Declaree. Keep in mind that at least the following attributes have to be toggled on: Name, Surname, E-Mail, Status > click now on generate new credentials

3. After the information has been filled in accordingly, Personio will generate the required API-credentials that can be added then into the Declaree dashboard to complete the connection.

4. Log into your Declaree account now and go to settings > connections > Personio and hit the connect-button. Please add the client-ID and the client-secret and click on save. Your Personio administration is now synced with Declaree.

Now you can connect the attributes of Personio with the equivalent fields in Declaree.

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