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Setting options in different languages

In both the app and the web environment of Declaree, it is easy to change the display language in the settings. However, this will not automatically change the language of the options you have set.

An example: in categories a choice "Food and drink" is set, if you change the language then the text remains unchanged.

However, all choice options in Declaree can be translated to all currently available languages within Declaree.

How to translate

For this explanation we will continue to use the example of a category, however, this can be applied to all choice options to be created within Declaree.

When creating a new category, the set name will automatically be displayed this way regardless of the set language. To translate the displayed name, you need to change your language settings via the menu. You can do this via the web environment by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner and selecting the language from the selection menu.

Once you have selected another language, you can edit the category and change the name to the correct translation and then save. If you now switch back to the previous language setting, you will see that it has not been changed there. This way, you can change all names per language.

In short
If you want to translate the options within the Declaree app or web environment, you can change the language settings in the menu. You can then change the choices to the desired language and save it. This setting will be retained regardless of the language setting.

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