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Setting up projects_cost centers

An administrator account can set up and modify "Projects" within the Declaree settings. This function can be used to associate a specific project or cost center with each expense. However, you will have to choose whether to create projects or cost centers. In case both have to be created, we recommend using "custom fields" for cost centers.

It is also possible to create sub-projects, more information on this can be found here.

1. Configure project

1. Go to Settings -> Projects2. To add your first project selection click add in the top left.

The following screen will then appear.

You can use the fields you see here for the following:
Project: The name of the project that is displayed for Declaree users at the time you create an expense.
Explanation: An explanation that will be displayed when selecting project in an expense.
Code: You can enter a code that is linked to this project and should be exported.
Manager: You can select a user to be the manager for this project. Entering a manager here will replace the user's default manager and send it to the entered manager instead. Please note, if you want to activate the manager function you need to contact our support team first.For more options, click on "Advanced" at the bottom left, the following will appear.

Expense type: Select "Expense", "Mileage" or "Allowances" here to make this project available to users only for this specific claim type. If it can be with any type then leave this blank.
Groups: If you've set up groups in Declaree then you can select a group here and then this project will only be visible to the users in this group
Code (2) & (3): If you need to export more codes, you can enter them here.
Manager (2): If you want to set up a second manager to check after the first one, you can do so here.

3. Once you have filled in everything you want to fill in, click "Back" and click Save to create it.

Now when creating an expense, the project field will be visible.

2. Modify/add multiple projects

If you want to add or change multiple projects, it can take a long time to do so one by one. However, you can download an excel file, modify, add or delete the projects there, and then upload it again to modify it in Declaree.


1. Ga naar Instellingen -> Projecten2. Klik bovenaan op Meer -> Download3. Open het bestand en maak de aanpassingen hier en voeg of verwijder projecten toe en sla op.
4. Klik weer bovenaan op Meer en dan Upload5. Voeg het bestand toe waar je zojuist de wijzigingen in hebt gemaakt en klik op Opslaan

De projecten zijn nu aangepast in Declaree.

1. Go to Settings -> Projects2. Click on More -> Download 3. Open the file and make the changes here and add or remove projects and save.
4. Click More again at the top and then Upload5. Add the file and click Save

The projects have now been modified in Declaree.

3. Rename "Project"

By default, the name for projects will be displayed as "Project" as a choice field in a declaration. However, you can change this in the projects settings.

1. Go to Settings -> Projects2. Click on More -> Edit levels 3. Click the icon at the end of the project line, then click Edit.

4. Change the label name in the screen that opens and click Save.

The name has now been changed.

4. Lock a project at employee level

A project can be locked in a user's profile. By doing this, the user in question will only be able to select the selected project when creating a new expense.


1. Go to Settings -> Users2. Click on a user's Name to edit
3. Go to Defaults4. Select the project next to the Project field5. Tick the Fixed selection box
6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

The user can now select only this project in a declaration. If step 5 is skipped, when an expense is created, this project will automatically be selected but the user can still select another project.

5. Limit expenses in reports to one type of project

A report can be limited to contain only declarations of one project type. When creating a report, a project must be selected. Only declarations with the same project can then be added to the report.

Instructions:1. Go to Settings -> Settings2. Scroll to Reports3. Select the project behind "Restrict costcenters within the same report"
4. Click Save at the bottom of the page

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