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Import of credit card statements - PDF upload

One of the two options to match credit card transactions with expenses/receipts, is uploading the digital PDF credit card statement. By doing so, Declaree is able to read all transactions of a statement automatically and matches them with the existing expenses that a user has already filled in Declaree. With this option it can be ensured that every transaction made with a business/corporate credit card is saved/matched with its corresponding receipt.

Before getting started it is important that all payment methods are configured correctly. Furthermore it is important to note that only "original" PDF files can be uploaded. Printed statements that have been scanned manually cannot be read by the system. The file has to be the original file issued by the bank/credit card provider. Downloading, opening the file and saving it again might cause en error when the system is trying to read the statement. We recommend to download the file from the online portal of the bank/credit card provider and to upload it directly in Declaree without re-opening and saving it again before this.

👍Note: The PDF upload is part of Declaree's Business Plan. Fine more information about our pricing here.

Upload statement
To upload a new statement, go to the report overview and click on "Add statement".

You can then select the file and click on "open". Based on the date, name on the card and the last 4-digits of the credit card, all transactions are now automatically read and matched with existing expenses and receipts. All matched expenses are then marked with a small green tick in the overview.

Non-existent expenses
All other transactions (without the green tick) have not yet been added in Declaree by the user and could not be matched with scanned receipts. For this, Declaree automatically creates a draft to which the user can add the receipt and edit the other information. These drafts are shown in the expense overview of the user and are marked as "Draft".

💪Hint: Instead of having to phone all employees one-by-one to remind them of their expenses, you can simply send a push-notification to remind them that they have to upload their receipts. You only have to click on "Notify users" at the top right corner of the transaction overview.

When all transactions are in order, simply click on "Finish" at the top right corner. All transactions are now bundled in a report and connected to the credit card statement.

❗️Important It is only possible to match expenses that have not been added to a report. All employees have to be informed that when making an expense paid by credit card, the report field should be left empty until the matching has been completed.

PDF formats
The uploaded file cannot be read by the system? This has likely something to do with the PDF format of your bank. Declaree is able to support a number of formats. In case you are unable to upload the statement successfully, contact us and Declaree will add the format to the already extensive list of supported formats.

Expenses in foreign currencies
Expenses made in foreign currencies have to added to Declaree in the foreign currency as per the receipt. Declaree will then match the amount with the transaction amount and exchange rate provided by your bank.

🧐You don't see the option "Add statement"?
This functionality is only available to the administrator. Are you an administrator and still cannot see this option? Please contact us via

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