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Moving users between administrations in bulk

This guide explains how to efficiently move users between different administrations within Declaree using bulk operations. The process is streamlined into three main steps:

  1. Extract User Data: Download the current user details from one administration (the source), and distribute the users across two separate Excel files.

  2. Transfer Users: Import the Excel file containing the users to be moved into the new administration (the target).

  3. Update Source Administration: Re-import the remaining users into the source administration. This step serves to remove the users who have been transferred to the target administration.

Instructions on moving individual users between administrations can be found here:
Adding existing users to other administrations

Moving users is only possible if administrations are related to each other (i.e. sub-administrations and their parents). If you want to move users between unrelated administrations, please contact support.

Step 1: Prepare User Data in Source Administration

  1. Navigate to User Settings: As an admin, open the source administration and click "Settings". You’ll arrive on the "Users" page.

  2. Download User Data:

    • Click "More", then choose "Download" to get the current user data in an Excel format.

    • Open the downloaded Excel file containing the user data.

  3. Prepare New Excel File for Transfer:

    • Open a new Excel file.

    • Cut (Ctrl+X) the rows of users you wish to move from the downloaded file and paste (Ctrl+V) them into the new file.

    • Ensure to include the headers!

    • Save both the original and the new Excel files after editing.

    • Tip: give both files easily distinguishable filenames.

Step 2: Upload Data to Target Administration

  1. Switch to Target Administration: Click the administration name in the upper right corner and navigate to the target administration.

  2. Navigate to User Settings: Click "Settings". You’ll arrive on the "Users" page.

  3. Upload New Users:

    • Click "More" and select "Upload".

    • Click "Browse" and select the new Excel file with the moved users.

    • Ensure that "Excel file contains headers" remains checked (default setting).

    • Also ensure that "Append data to the system. Uncheck to replace the data with the file, disabling/removing entries left out of the uploaded file." remains checked (default setting).

    • Click "Save" to finalize the upload.

Step 3: Update Source Administration

  1. Return to Source Administration

  2. Navigate to User Settings: Click "Settings". You’ll arrive on the "Users" page.

  3. Re-upload Remaining Users:

    • Click "More" and choose "Upload".

    • Click "Browse" and select the downloaded Excel file which now contains the remaining users (those not moved).

    • Ensure "Excel file contains headers" is checked.

    • Uncheck "Append data to the system. Uncheck to replace the data with the file, disabling/removing entries left out of the uploaded file."

    • Click "Save" to update the user data in the source administration.

Once the outlined steps are completed, users are successfully moved to their respective administrations. Importantly, account settings will remain unchanged; users can continue using their existing login details without interruption.

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